Tuesday, 6 January 2015

Animal Prawns

Prawns are shellfish comparable in appearance to shrimps, however they can be recognized by the gill structure which is expanding in prawns and not in shrimp. The prawn is likewise identified with the crab and the lobster.

Prawns are found in calmer waters were the prawns can settle in the water plants to lay their eggs. Like the shrimp and the prawn does have a tendency to favor the hotter waters in the tropics however a few types of prawn are found in the Northern Hemisphere.

The prawn encourages by separating nutritious particles out of the water streaming around the prawn, and the prawn is subsequently frequently found on rocks or near to the ocean bottom.

Prawns are a typical wellspring of nourishment for people around the globe, especially in zones where the prawn exists commonly, for example, south east Asia.
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